This bouquet features six white calla lilies, elegantly arranged to create a striking display of beauty and softness. The pops of color and the white calla lilies contrast beautifully with rich green foliage, adding a touch of life and vibrancy.
Wrapped in reflective gold paper and finished with a red bow this bouquet is perfect .
This bouquet features six white calla lilies, elegantly arranged to create a striking display of beauty and softness. The pops of color and the white calla lilies contrast beautifully with rich green foliage, adding a touch of life and vibrancy.
Wrapped in reflective gold paper and finished with a red bow this bouquet is perfect .
This bouquet features six white calla lilies, elegantly arranged to create a striking display of beauty and softness. The pops of color and the white calla lilies contrast beautifully with rich green foliage, adding a touch of life and vibrancy.
Wrapped in reflective gold paper and finished with a red bow this bouquet is perfect .